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The Importance of House Cleanliness to Maintain Family Health

Creating a healthy family must start from maintaining a clean environment. With a clean place to live, you and your family members can avoid various diseases. Therefore, house hygiene needs to be maintained, and this is the responsibility of every family member. Having a clean and healthy home is everyone's dream. But in reality, there are still many people who live in homes that are dirty and do not meet health standards. In fact, the condition of the house like this can be a place for viruses, germs, and pests to reproduce disease, so that its inhabitants can easily be exposed to various diseases, such as diarrhea, typhus, and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

Various Places in the House that Need to be Cleaned

Although the house has been cleaned routinely, but sometimes there are still some places that go unnoticed, so that it is missed to be cleaned. In fact, these places can store various types of germs that cause diseases that can endanger family health. The following are the places that you need to pay more attention to when cleaning your house:
  • Bedroom

  • Who would have thought if the bedroom where you and your family rested could become a den of germs. Bedrooms that are not cleaned regularly can accumulate dust and allow germs, mites and mold to grow. Various sources of these diseases can live and breed in children's toys, carpets, pillows, or beds. As a result, you and your family will be more susceptible to various diseases, such as colds, coughs, and allergies. To prevent this from happening, routinely replace pillowcases and bed sheets at least every two weeks, to avoid germ growth. Also make sure to clean the children's toys, considering the children's immune system is not fully developed.
  • Bathroom

  • It's no secret if the bathroom is the dirtiest area among other parts of the house. Temperatures that tend to be warm and moist allow bacteria and fungus to grow. Toilet / toilet, bathtub, bathroom floor, toilet handle, and shower curtain are the parts in the bathroom that you need to clean regularly. Because, these areas or objects easily become breeding grounds for germs. To kill and prevent germ growth, the bathroom needs to be cleaned with disinfectant.
  • Kitchen

  • In addition to the bathroom, the kitchen is also a perfect place for germs to flourish. One study even found that kitchen utensils used to process food had more Salmonella and E. coli bacteria, than tap handles in the bathroom. Dishwashing sponges, napkins, and cutting boards are items that you need to clean each time you use them. This is intended to prevent bacterial and germ contamination from food and other cooking utensils. If necessary, use a special cleaning fluid to disinfect in the kitchen.
In addition to cleaning the rooms, you must also place a ventilation system in each room. Ventilation allows air circulation in the house, so the house does not become damp. That way, germs, bacteria, and fungi are not easy to grow. If the condition of the house does not allow for the installation of ventilation, you can use mechanical ventilation, such as fans or exhaust fans.

Effect of House Cleanliness on Personal and Food Hygiene

Not only the cleanliness of the house, the personal hygiene of each family member and the cleanliness of the food consumed also needs attention. If not, the germs that cause disease can still enter and cause various health problems, such as nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, and even poisoning. Moreover, if the cleanliness of the house is not maintained. Viruses and bacteria from dirty places in the house can spread and stick to the surface of the body, especially the hands. In addition, germs can also move to food, especially if kitchen hygiene is not maintained properly. So that this does not happen, there are several ways you can do, namely:
  • Wash your hands with soap and water

  • The susceptible hand is contaminated by germs. So, it is very important to wash your hands first before eating, also before processing and preparing food. Use soap and clean running water to clean the entire surface of the hand.
  • Clean the kitchen surface and cutting board

  • Make sure you always clean the kitchen surface and cutting board, both before and after cooking. You can use soap and warm water to clean the kitchen surface and cutting board.
  • Washing fruits and vegetables

  • Always wash fruits and vegetables before consumption or cooking. This aims to remove impurities that may still be attached to the surface of fruits and vegetables. You can also use special cleaning fluids for food that can kill germs and bacteria.
  • Separate raw food from cooked food

  • Never put cooked food on the same plate to process raw food. This aims to avoid contamination of germs on food. In addition, always use a different clean cutting board for raw food ingredients and for foods that are already cooked or ready to eat. Wash the cutting board immediately after using it, until it is completely clean.
To maintain the cleanliness of home and household furniture, including kitchen utensils, there are various types of cleaning liquids that you can use. Some of them even have the ability to kill germs. But don't forget, always pay attention to how to use it so that the results are effective. From now on, make it a habit to clean the house regularly and thoroughly, so that you and your family can avoid various diseases. Do not forget the places mentioned above, because these places are vulnerable to live by germs.


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