The drugs commonly used for schizophrenia are antipsychotic drugs. This medicine is used to improve symptoms experienced by sufferers. Antipsychotic drugs usually have to be used long term, so schizophrenic patients and their families need to really understand the side effects that might arise. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects a person's feelings, thoughts and behavior. Symptoms that appear can be: Negative symptoms, such as loss of life motivation, difficulty concentrating, unable to show expression and feelings, no desire to care for themselves. Positive symptoms, such as hallucinating and having strong beliefs about things that are actually missing or wrong (delusional). Experiencing mindset disturbances, such as strange thought patterns that are difficult for others to understand. Difficult to remember (memory disturbance). Difficult to establish social relationships with others. Mood or moods that change easily. Benefits of Antipsychotic Medications ...